Hardness calculator

Knowing the water hardness and adjusting it accordingly is crucial for the smooth operation of many industrial systems.
Use our water hardness calculator to easily convert your water hardness into °dH, °f, °e, ppm, mval/l and mol/l.

1. Enter value
2. Select unit
3. Read off the result
Hardness range-
German degrees0.00°dH
French degrees0.00°f
American degrees0.00ppm CaCO3
English degrees0.00°e
Alkaline earth ions mmol/l0.00mmol/l
Alkaline earth ions mval/l0.00mval/l
  • The use of the calculation results of the water hardness calculator is at the sole risk of the user.

  • The information on the hardness range is only intended as a guide at this point. The classification is based on German standards and information from water suppliers and can be used for both private households and industry.
1. Enter value
2. Select unit
3. Read off the result
German degrees 0.00 °dKH
French degrees0.00°f
American degrees0.00ppm CaCO3
English degrees0.00°e
Alkaline earth ions mmol/l0.00mmol/l (Ca)
Calcium0.00ppm Ca
Acid capacity up to pH 4.30.00KS4.3 mmol/l
Hydrogen carbonate 0.00 HCO3- mg/l
  • The use of the calculation results of the water hardness calculator is at the sole risk of the user.

  • The information on the hardness range is only intended as a guide at this point. The classification is based on German standards and information from water suppliers and can be used for both private households and industry.
1. Enter value
2. Select unit
3. Read off the result
ortho-Phosphate0.00mg/l PO43-
Diphosphorus pentoxide0.00mg/l P2O5
Amount of phosphorus in phosphate0.00mg/l PO4-P
  • The use of the calculation results of the water hardness calculator is at the sole risk of the user.

  • The information on the hardness range is only intended as a guide at this point. The classification is based on German standards and information from water suppliers and can be used for both private households and industry.
1. Enter value
2. Select unit
3. Read off the result
Sulfite 0.00 mg/l SO3-2
Sulfurous acid 0.00 mg/l HSO3-
Sodium hydrogen sulfite 0.00 mg/l NaHSO3
Sodium disulfite 0.00 mg/l Na2S2O5
Sodium sulfite 0.00 mg/l Na2SO3
  • The use of the calculation results of the water hardness calculator is at the sole risk of the user.

  • The information on the hardness range is only intended as a guide at this point. The classification is based on German standards and information from water suppliers and can be used for both private households and industry.
How does our water hardness calculator work?

Our water hardness calculator uses your input data to quickly and accurately determine the water hardness.
Simply enter the required parameters and you will immediately receive a detailed analysis.
This information helps you to plan the necessary steps for water treatment and optimize the efficiency of your industrial processes.

For industrial applications

Water hardness plays a decisive role in industry.
Hard water contains high concentrations of calcium and magnesium ions, which can lead to deposits and incrustations in many industrial processes.
These deposits not only impair the efficiency of systems, but also increase maintenance costs and operating costs.
With our water hardness calculator, you can quickly and easily determine the water hardness in your company and take suitable measures for water treatment.

For aquariums and private households

Water hardness is not only important for industrial processes, but also plays an important role in everyday life and in aquariums.
Hard or soft water can affect the functionality of household appliances and is crucial for the health and well-being of aquarium inhabitants.

Use our water hardness calculator to increase the efficiency of your industrial processes, extend the service life of household appliances and create optimum conditions for your aquarium inhabitants.
This allows you to reduce costs in all areas and improve water quality in a targeted manner.